Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lets get together and help foster kids feel alright

Did you know that there are nearly 20,000 foster children living in the Northwest? We can help them. Last canpaign we were able to donate 4 pairs of brand new shoes for the shoe drive. That helped 4 kids. This time I hope that together we can help so many more!  

Being a child going into the foster care system must be a difficult transition. Add to that a new school and it can be a scary time. Let's  work together to give these kids the tools they need to start school right and be successful learners!  

From now until September 7, 2015, THChristi's is accepting donations of new backpacks and school supplies.  Drop off your donations on Sundays at Patient Cannabis Exchange Market at the THChristi booth. If you can't make it to the market, you can still help by visiting my campaign page to give a monetary donation here 



  1. I found it at the local Super Suppliments store and also online at ebay

  2. I found it at the local Super Suppliments store and also online at ebay
