Friday, March 8, 2013

Cannabis Cookbook Update

It's been a couple of months since I started the process of making this cookbook.  I thought I better get the update out as I've been getting a lot of questions online about WHEN it will be ready for ordering.

The short answer.... I'm not sure.  The long answer is I've got the recipes I'm going to publish narrowed down with a few recipes in each category (ie: topicals, sweets, savory etc).  I've been working on getting them all entered & formatted as well as getting pictures of the final product.  Next phase will be editing and proofing.  Once that is completed I will order a single copy so that I can make sure that everything is looking good from the printer and then I'll let you all know how you can order your own copy.

I had a few polls to see what you all would rather have: a bigger book coming in at $40-$50 per copy or a smaller book coming in between $20-30 and the smaller book was overwhelmingly more popular so that means I'm able to include about 20 recipes.

I really appreciate all of your encouragement and enthusiasm about this project.  If so many hadn't requested this I would have never taken it on.  I can only hope that you all will be just as excited when the book is in your kitchens.  :0)


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to the finished product! Great idea :)
    ~Nancy S. in Mich.
